I think I have a stomach Ulcer!!!!
I have been sick since last Sunday with a stomach bug. Was better Thurs. & Fri. but my abdomen started hurting again yesterday. It feels like it is burning non stop and in a tight not. I have lost 11 lbs from being sick. but I can't take ANYTHING in excep****er. Went to doctor Wed. they said it was a viral infection? Has anyone had an ulcer? Please help!
Rene' 291/217/140
They think i have an ulcer too, they have me taking Carafate every 3 hours besides my Prevacid in order to heal it.
I've been taking the carafate for about a week and it's much better now. the burning was awful before.
I gotta tell y'all, it's my fault. i heard everyone talking about drinking coffee and so i tried regular coffee too, got hooked again and was drinking at least 2 cups a day and sure enough, just like i was warned, i developed an ulcer. i miss my coffee most of everything.
btw, there does seem to be a stomach bug going around but as far as i know it doesn't cause burning.