3 month post op visit
I took a half day- went to work in am- then dr appointment.
It was suppose to be at 11:15- but I didn't get so see anyone
until 3:00. there were so many people there- they hired another
nurse practioner- (which I saw) she's 3 months out too- one week
ahead of me.. so i thought that was interesting. and so far she's
only lost about 35-40.. so she told me she was jealous.. and that i
was doing fantastic...
so- offical weight at the surgeon's office 196.2 pounds
my home scale (the one i have used- and that i started with 274 this
time last year!! and 263 the morning of surgery well our home one
weighs me today as 191 ) so i'm going by my home one.. and offical weight is surgeon office- about 5 pounds heavier..... i'm in a difinate size 18 now. in fact
everyone comments now on the baggy clothes. and taht they are really
too big for me to be wearing (my 22's and larger..) so this weekend-
i might have to wean down the old closet.
i talked to about the hair loss (normal see said- get more protein
talked to her about my back- she said to see my primary. and that
yes, i'm cleared now to take a muscle relaxer so i took one from an
old precription- and i got 5 hours of straight sleep last night. She
warned me about the gallbladder- that if i start to have pains in
the right upper side- that i might have to have it taken out. since
the medication that prevents gallbladder stuff- wasn't making me
feel good. she thought my exercise was good - to start doing either
water aerobics or lifting weights. and to document by calling
either them or primary if i get rashes (so far- no rashes) because
that will be the only way to have plastic surgery (tummy tuck sort
of procedure) of course i go out of my way to not have the rashes.
catch 22 i say..
I spoke with the nutrionalist/dietician- she said i could start
doing regular foods more. i've been on a path of the same foods for weeks.. don't want to try anything - so i stay to my "safe" foods..- remembering to chew and PROTEIN first but not
to be so hard on myself because i eat carbs.. so i felt so much
better. I might have to start taking calcium suppliments but
i get calcuium kidney stones.. but i don't want to be all brittle
when i turn 60- because what i do now..
measurments- i've lost 12 inches from stomach- 1 inch from chest but underneath have lost 4 inches so now i'm a 40G !!! with a waist of 43 1/2!! arms and legs have always been tiny- i carried from neck to lower stomach.. i'm sure i'll have the apron that's huge.. but if i don't get rashes- insurance won't pay for it to be removed.. wait and see-
i'm just glad i'm so close to 190 pounds.. only 30-35 from my goal.. i'm hoping to be there by christmas.. as now i'm slowing way down.. the last 2 weeks- but so happy with what i've done so far
night all