Reheating Food Trouble??
Does anyone else have trouble eating food that has been reheated in the microwave? I can eat it fine if it's cooked for the first time in the microwave but if I reheat it I cannot tolerate it. I think I've read that nuking changes the enzymes in the food or something, just curious is anyone else having this trouble?
Me too YUCK
The only thing I can reheat is soup...
I lost the taste for left overs...
I want fresh protein moist...
I crave fresh fresh fre****hink I like to go out to eat more..
ANd I get invited more cause I am a cheap date.. I take a little of what someone orders and have a feast...
I have trouble with TAP WATER and the WATER that comes from the fridge.. I used to crave ICE COLD... Now that has changed too.,..
I said it before my pouch is grouch... IT changes daily...
I have problems with reheating left over chicken. It seems to me that the moisture is dried up in the microwave...I used Heinz. FF Chicken gravy with it, helped some but not much. (was still really hard to chew to a paste consistency) I think that the liquid helps food go down easier..That is probably why we are not suppose to eat and drink at the same time..we wouldn't feel as full because the food would pass through more easily. (Thus causing us to be able to eat more and gain weight maybe?)