Stallone High Protein Pudding
Hello Nancy, It's good to see you! HUGS!
Visit me at my website:****chers
Dawn -
How are you? I have checked out your site a few times, mostly lurking there.
I have been pretty invisible on any site lately. Not sure why. I lurk around and enjoy lurking but have not been adding much to anything lately.
Part of me (and that part is starting to fade away) is afraid of comparing myself to others that have had surgery around the same time as me. Even when I lurk here I refuse to read the Sunday weigh ins. I don't want to know if others are doing so much better than me and I don't want to get ****y if I am doing better than others. This way I know that I will continue to do what is working for me.
Talk to you soon,
I have both the Snack and Slim protein pudding and the Stallone protein pudding. They are not the same product repackaged. Even though the ingredients are the same, along with calorie count, etc. the Stallone is a little larger can and the tastes are definitely different. I prefer the Snack and Slim chocolate and the Stallone vanilla. The Stallone chocolate has a very sweet aftertaste but the s & s has a more normal pudding taste. I order my Snack and Slim pudding from