Good Morning July People

on 8/2/05 2:39 am - By the sea, CA
Thanks Sue for the support. I know this is probably true I just do not want to fail at even wls. I have dreamed of losing weight and leading a better life and so I am scared. Tami
on 8/2/05 4:28 am - pomona, CA
Hello all, A little past morning..hehe I finally slept (first time in 3 days...I just didn't wake up till 11 yikes) No pain but feeling a little down. I'm sure it must be part of the recovery process. The thought of another protein shake it turning my stomach (lol or pouch) but I am going out there and getting my first of six. I tasted Mango protein from Muscle Max yesterday and it was decent. Hey at least it wasnt choclate. Gonna get some tomorrow. My best to you all, Amy
Priscilla M.
on 8/2/05 9:20 am - Fayetteville, AR
Amen to that comment at least it wasn't choclate. Who among us choc. lovers that we'd ever say that. You know another comment. I read others say I had a cup or this or that and du I finally realize they're talking about those little 2 tablespoon cups that got hospital. I though everyone was cheating. UH alright sometimes my comprehension is as bad as by spelling and typing. Love To All Priscilla and this is as good a place as any to admit how long it took me to discover that people don't always email you with comment to a post that you open your post to read reply. and there's even that numbers colum telling you that x amount of people commented. So if I ever didn't re comment it's cause of that TEE TEE!
on 8/2/05 9:14 am - LaPlace, LA
Hi Tami, I am officially 1 week postop today and yesterday was my first postop appointment and I lost 6 pounds. Not bad, but I thought I lost more. I, too, am so afraid of screwing this up. Today, all I have dreamed about is food,food, food. Even food I hate. I am craving tuna so bad right now, and am wondering, DO I REALLY HAVE TO STICK TO THIS DAMN LIQUID ONLY DIET? lol, now that I got that out, you sound like you are doing great. I think that the other replies were very accurate. Your body is like tripping out right now. It's saying, HUH? Wait a minute. What have you done to your body? It is truly freaking out. It will let go soon. Do not give up. Just for questions sake: Are you grazing a lot? Are you getting in your liquids? And you can eat peanut butter? YAY!!!!!!! I love peanut butter!
on 8/2/05 11:04 am - By the sea, CA
I think I would stick to the liquid diet. I know I followed the doctors rules to a T. I was so afraid of anything bad happening. I was on liquids til day 11 then soft foods for two weeks. I can have peanut butter now since day 11. As far as grazing goes no not really. I have been eating three times a day and I have been drinking as much as I can but in between I have sf popsicles, my doctor said that counts as fluid intake. Today is the first day that mid afternoon I had a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter, I have just really been hungry today. Good luck on your journey!
Nancy J.
on 8/2/05 10:30 am - Waialua, HI
Aloha, I had very extensive classes, over 1 years worth, and many clinical visits with doctors, nutritionists, counselors etc. before my surgery. This was from Kaiser in Hawaii. We were told many times that we would have a plateau at 3 to 4 weeks. Some last one week and some last two weeks. I am currently at 3 weeks and sure enough I hit my plateau early, at the end of last week. Yesterday when I got on the scale I had dropped 6 lbs. We were told to also expect another plateau at 4 to 5 months, for a week or two. Don't weigh every day or you will go crazy. Enjoy your losing body each and every day, get on the scale once a week, and be thankful that we are one of the lucky ones that were able to have and afford this surgery. Good luck!
on 8/2/05 3:02 pm - Where the sewer meets the sea under the fog bank, CA
Hey Tami, Not to worry everyone around 3-4 weeks out have about 1-2 weeks of a platho. And it happens again around 4-5 months out for around the same amount of time. So keep your chin up it will come off again Just keep on keepen on!!!!!!! Bonnie
on 8/2/05 3:52 pm - By the sea, CA
Thanks Bonnie for the support!
on 8/3/05 5:07 am - Glendora, CA
Hi Tami, I'm two weeks post-op today. I have to say that I'm relieved to hear that someone else is tired. However, I have not been as ambitious as you. I haven't been walking. Good for you!!! On my first post-op visit to the doctor, I had lost 12 pounds in a week. I threw out my scale before my surgery because I didn't want to make myself crazy(ier??). I don't feel like I've lost anymore, but people tell me I look like I have. Plateaus can be discouraging, but you'll get through it and continue losing. My friend had GB a year ago July 14, and she's lost over one hundred pounds! Best of luck. Diana
Pam W.
on 8/3/05 11:18 am - Cypress, TX
Hi everyone Sounds like everyone is moving along pretty nicely. All our diets are different and are weight losses are different. However WE ARE ALL LOOSERS HORRRAYYY Isnt life grand. I was a bit upset not loosing as fast I wanted but hey I am loosing. I was a bit upset that I had no energy to do as much excercise or walking as I wanted, I finally made it. All in all everything I signed up for is happening. Its a good thing Best of Luck to you all in your WLS journey. I look forward to seeing you all post hugs from Houston Pam
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