HARD circle by lower left side??ouch
Hi hun,
I had my surgery 7/19/05 and not long after I was released from the hospital I noticed a knot under my main incision (I had laproscopic RNY). I told the Doc and he said everything looks okay. Well I evidently did not emphasize how bad this knot was hurting so I called them the next day and told them I am having a lot of pain. They told me it was a fuid pocket and they would much rather it bust by its self so they don't have to open my incision back up to bust it themselves (it is dangerous because the chance of incision infection is higher when it is reopened) I went back to see them because I couldn't handle the pain. The RN popped it and put some packing in my incision. Now I have to squeeze on it to get fluid out a couple times a day..but the pain hasn't totally went away yet.
Do you think the hard spot may be a fluid pocket? Hope you get better. - Andrea
I had the hard knot within 5 or 6 days of surgery. I told them about it at my one week appointment and they did open it. I didn't have a "pocket" of fluid that could be "popped", just a saturation of the tissue around the left incision site. It has to be packed with a cotton strip to help wick out the fluid. That was over 2 weeks ago. My knot is gone and the incision is nearly closed. I saw my surgeon again on Thursday and she said it should be completely healed/closed within a week or two.
It really was very painful. Do not put off visiting the doctor. If it's ignored, it could become infected and then it'll be far worse.
Good luck to you, hun. I know exactly how you feel. By the way, it's called a seroma.