1st Post-op Appointment
Neshia, congratulations on your weight loss. I too had my surgery on the 12th and am down 34 pounds today according to my scales. (The doctor's may say differently) but I don't go to see him till August 8. My doctor superglued all my incisions shut. It is really wierd looking to have these little lines of glue on your belly where the incisions were. But the glue starts to peel off after about a week and now at 16 days my incisions are all completely healed and I have been a diabetic for about 8 years so that is amazing. I still have a little scab where the drain was in but it is closing more each day. My doctor said I could start back swimming but no swan dives. He is a riot. Isn't this surgery fantastic!!! I wish I had done it years ago. Take care and stay in touch. Alice