1st Post Op Appt
Hey guys
Just wanted to check in and let ya know -- Im 10 days post op and went to the Dr this morning for my 1st checkup. He's happy with my progress -- blood pressure is down to 110/70 ... sugar was 93 both of which are stellar for me .....
The biggest thing for me is that I have ANKLES AND FEET again! I can actually see the bones in my feet and my ankles for the first time since I can remember -- I even mentioned it to my surgeon by saying "Hey Doc -- thanks for giving me my ankles back" -- he gotta good laugh outta me. My one incision is still draining (kinda gross
but I'll handle it) -- he says it could drain for another week (which mean no pool for me
). Oh well .. them's the brakes.
And now .. the magic weight loss number ----- Im down 24 pounds! I almost fainted! Totally made all this craziness worth it!!!
Good luck everyone!! Keep the faith!
Deb C.