Re-birthday 7/15/05
I can hardly believe the day is almost here! My surgery is scheduled for 10 a.m. Any positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated.
For the record I've been nervous all day, but this evening I think I'm actually getting more excited than nervous. This is something I need to do for myself in order to improve my quality of life.
I know that most of you understand. Thanks for listening.
Lisa J
Lisa, I am 3 days post op. You will do just great. To me the surgery wasn't any more than the c-sections I had had earlier in my life. My pain tolerance level is pretty high. Just get up and walk as soon as they will let you. Take advantage of your morphine pump and go to town on those ice chips as soon as they let you. If you haven't already, get yourself some unflavored whey. GNC has it. I have been mixing mine with a sf orange drink from Wal-Mart and it is very good. I have also mixed it with skim milk and sf Nestles Quick. It gives you more protein and goes down real well for me.