Well if i didnt have bad luck i wouldnt have any at all. 4 weeks ago i found i had Hpylori this funky lil stomach bacteria that can cause ulcers and cancer in some cases. Paid a fortune for this round of antibiotics with the belief that i would be cured. 2 endocoposcopys later still have Hpylori and my surgery which was scheduled for July 11th *this monday
is cancelled. Im suppose to have my gallbladder taken out at the same time which has been giving me some grief lately..so that stays in there too
all the time planned getting work done early for my job was a waste *sigh* well id rather have it done the right way and be healthy than the wrong way and be miserable sick and have complications. I cant say however i am not a wee bit disappointed...
ok a lot lol. 3 weeks of nothing but Low carb slim fast will do that to a girl. Wish me luck, a strong immune system, and a speedy reschedule.
PS if ur md didnt c heck u for Hpylori do it early u dont want to end up like me. That way u have plenty of time and opportunity to be drugged up. Also if there is Hpylor in ur new pouch it can be a terrible experience. so if ya didnt get checked do.