For those having surgery on July 14th....
Hi Melanie,
I feel the same way, just think we'll be free once and for all![](
The only thing I'm having mine on the 6th of July but I still feel like I'm getting out of this so-called prison life I lead. I don't think anyone who couldn't relate would'nt know what I'm talking about. I know in my life there are soooooooo many times I feel like I am in prison and I want out.
I know what you mean. I miss long bike rides,mountain climbing,skating, going to Hershey Park or Kings Dominion etc...
I was thin until the age of 23. Then I got pregnant and my body turned into a fat magnet.
I have been in fat prison for 10 years and I am ready for my parole!
Good luck and speedy recovery!