Okay..feeling a "little" better!
on 6/23/05 10:27 pm - Pensacola, FL
on 6/23/05 10:27 pm - Pensacola, FL
I was doing some research yesterday and I came across the Carnie Wilson doctor visit transcripts and it was the actual transcripts from her consulation. I was relieved when the doctor said that 0.5% actually die from this surgery and those usually are very high risks to begin with with a lot of co-morbs and they are VERY overweight meaning 500 lbs or more. I am very healthy other wise just like Carnie Wilson was. I am just overweight and have not had any affects of being overweight yet. The doctor brings this up with her and said her individual risks are even lower than that. I FELT tons better after reading that! I read other sites and I have now decided to still do it. The fear of something happening to me almost made me cancel. I have a 22 month old and a 9 year old and I can't imagine something happening to me and they not having their mommy for something that I could just not do. I could die tomorrow but it will for something that I didn't know the risks of death ya know what I mean. This is definitely an emotional roller coaster. And my friend Emi who had this surgery a couple years ago says "Tessa, your are special, but you ain't that special" meaning the risks or so low that I shouldn't even begin to me worried. After surgery, I don't care how bad it hurts, I will be up and moving around to prevent blood clots and pnemonia. I am going to do everything by the book. Okay, enough rambling...
Hi Tessa
Don't fret girl,
you are so not alone. By reading the posts
on this board Im sure you will see that. We all have our doubts
and get cases of the "what-ifs" its totally normal. Ive got a little one that is my life along w/ 2 step kids and their father that I worry about. I look at it this way -- we never know when our "time" is -- only God knows that. I could get in an accident tomorrow or if I decided against the surgery and remained overweight, complications could take my life in the form of a heart attack or stroke or Lord knows what else. I've chosen this path to regain my life as a stronger and healthier person.
Take refuge in this board and the advice and support that these wonderful people have to offer
-- sometimes a friendly word is enough to ease those worries!!
11 days and counting .....