I am here to stay!
Goos news and bad news.
Bad news: I got the call from my husband's job today and just as I figured, the insurance they offered us last week does not cover WLS afterall
. Good thing I called them instead of just signing up. (My insurance through my job doesn't cover it either)
Good news: I don't have to wait until August or later to have surgery. I'm still self paying for it July 13th.
So, I'm here on the July board for good.
Thank you for all your support over the weekend. I started my optifast diet today, combination of 5 drinks or soup each day. I had four shakes and 1 soup, it was harder than I thought. I didn't get hungry but the thought of food haunted me all day. "Oh, I should've eaten this before...I should've had that...." Oh well.
So, now I can officially start counting down. 23 days