"What to eat" blonde moments
Ok... even with the month's of research I have done... I am suddenly havign severe "blonde moments" when it comes to knowing what to eat after surgery.
(Nevermind I have info from nutritionsist info and such too).
I suddenly feel like I have no clue!
I think this must be part of my freak out process.
I am feeling I am going to suddenly be home... and have NOTHING to eat or drink.
Am I nuts?
Or just stupid?
(...wait...dont' answer that...)
Ok Mraia then I'm as nuts as you are because I feel the same way. I'm so glad I don't have to have these feelings alone and feel like I'm a nut case
I'm trying to figure out the same thing but I'm working on how am I going to get the 50 mgs. of protien in plus my 64oz. water, my medication that I have to crush, the vitamins. I have my 1 on 1 June 28th thank God so I'll ask that quetion for all of us then post it ok?
At least we will worry together