What vitamins will you be taking post op
I'm not real sure either yet since I still need to attend the nutrition class. I will be doing that on July 6th. I don't know that you will need calcium, either in the form of tums or vitcal "spelling?" etc. SOme people need extra iron, that is for your dr. to say and also B-12. Did I miss anything?

My surgeon required me to see the nutrionist prior to even seeing him for an evaluation. During that time she gave me a booklet of information, including a list of vitamins that I will need to take post-op. I also have to attend an eduacational class with the nurse and nurtionist which is on 7/6 (my surgery date is 7/19). Anyway, here is the list she gave me:
1) Multivitamin/mineral (Centrum recommended - chewable or liquid form)
2) Calcium with Vitamin D: 500 - 600 mg 2x daily (Citracal containing calcium citrate is more absorbable and recommended; Soloray chewable calcium citrate also available). Take calcium separate from iron supplements due to interactions with absorption.
3) Vitamin B12: Twin Labs 500mcg B12 Sublingual Dots (these disolve under your tongue and are absorbed directly into your blood stream).
4) Iron: as directed by your dr.
I have read alot on the various message boards and it seems that the Bariatric Advantage vitamins taste the best and are specifically designed for Gastric Bypass patients. I am going to ask about these during my upcoming class. They have both the multi-vit and the calcium citrate (hear that cinnamon flavor tastes just like Altoids Cinn.).
Let me know what you read and what protein shakes you like...I am still experimenting. I heard that post-op your tastes may change, so tasting now may not help.
Look forward to talking more with everyone!