pre-op protein drinks
I've also heard that in can help "shrink" the liver, making it easier for them to get around in there.
Not sure if that's true - but it is thought provoking.
I am required to have two meal replacements and a sensible meal the week before surgery, and then liquids of some sort the 2 days before, and then of course the dreaded bowel prep.
My doc did tell me that it was in some ways a test of your will. He said you'd be surprised how many people just can't tolerate not eating, and back out of the surgery.
I've done all liquids for 3 months before - I know I can do this!

My doc requires an "Atkins/South Beach" style diet for 10-14 days prior. Here's his reasoning:
"The purpose of this diet is to use up the glycogen that is stored in your liver. Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates. Depleting your liver's glycogen stores shrinks the liver so it does not have to be moved so much during surgery."
I've done Atkins many times before so the next two weeks shouldn't be too bad.
Good luck all.
My doctor requires a pre-op Optifast liquid diet. The want me to lose 10% of my body weight which relates to aound 25 pounds for me. So they put me on the diet three weeks before surgery date. The nutritionist set my date to start my diet before I got my date for surgery so I don't know if they would have me start a week later or not but I'm not going to ask because it will do me good to start early so I'm starting tomorrow.
As for tonight?????? Dairy Queen here I come!!!!