Hi all...newbie to July 05!
Hey everyone,
It looks like I should be joining you.....although my official date hasn't been set.
My name is Linda and I am 41 years old. I am married and have two children 5 and 7.
I got insurance approval last week. And I have a final Primary Care visit on July 28th to give the final surgical clearance. Then I can schedule the final Dr. appt with my surgeon - Which I am told can be done in a matter of days. (Probably July 1) And I am told that the surgeon will be able to schedule surgery within 2 weeks of that date. So it should be approximately July 15th at the latest. Of course, I believe they said he had a one week vacation sometime in July. So that may mess with things a tiny bit. Even taking an extra week into account- it shouldn't be any later than July 22nd.
I have to do a two week diet prior to surgery. (first part is Atkins type diet and the last 3 days prior to surgery is liquid) I am starting that this week. The office said Friday at the latest I should start. I think I am going to start earlier. I am ready to get going!!!! This has been a long wait (although I am sure there are many who have waited longer.) I first started the process in November of last year. And it feels like I have had a million Doctors appointments since then.
Anyway, I am very excited to be joining you guys!!!! I can't wait for all of us to be on the loosing side! Can't wait to "meet" all of you!
I am feeling a bit like I am having my own little Independance Day this year!!!!!!! Whooo hooo!!!!

Linda - first of all, congrats on FINALLY getting to this point!
It has been a long road for you! I started the last week in January, and was originally having surgery on June 20th, but had to change it because of my job. I have bonded so well with the people on this board, I think the man upstairs knew what he was doing! I'm very glad I'm a July girl!
I feel like I'm celebrating my Indepence Day too!
Stick around - you'll love the guys and gals here!