I've heard alot of people talking about God on here and I'm wondering does anyone find it difficult having this surgery knowing that your kind of messing around with Gods territory? You know something he made. I feel like I need this surgery very much but this thing with God keeps nagging at me. I have prayed and asked God if this is not his will please make the surgery not happen. I'm going to pray about it more. I just wanted feedback from you gals.
I know where you are coming from. I am a Minister of Music, and I've asked myself the very same thing. I really struggled with it when trying to have children and having to resort to fertility treatments. Sometimes I felt as if I wasn't listening to God, and seeking my own will - to have lots of children!!
But, I will tell you my view point on the matter, take it for what it's worth. I believe that God has given us many talents, and one of those talents some people have are performing medical miracles. Researchers have the talent of seeking knowledge in order to improve our lives and heal our aches. To me everything is black and white. If I needed a blood transfusion, I would not deny it just because it's not "normal", so therefore I am not denying this surgery for the same reasons. I believe that I will be better able to function for Him in everything that I do after this surgery. It won't change the way I feel about my Christianity, but it just may enhance the kind of witness I am. I will have more energy to work with my children's choirs and more energy to put towards anything I want to do, be it church related or just life related. It's all relative. Know what I mean? I know some people don't believe in "messing with His territory", but I really don't see it that way.
If it's any consolation....my pastor had this surgery in December.
Hope this makes some kind of sense - it's late! LOL

Hi Kimberly
The only thing I can say is that I agree with you 100%. If God didn't want me to have this surgery he would not have provided the Dr.'s to do it and the insurance company to ok it. I also asked him to show me some kind of sign that this wouldn't be a good thing to do but he shows me good signs only.

I can't add much to what the others have said, I agree with them both. However I would like to say that when we ask for God's will to be done, and He answers.. leave it alone! If you have been approved and everything is heading in that direction then don't question it. Don't look for other signs. Ask God to close doors if your not going in the direction He wants you to go in. Other wise just keep walking through the doors He has opened for you. God bless!
I am so encouraged by the words of the others who have posted to your message. I admit that prayer was the first thing I did, from the time I thought about having the surgery and I still pray daily about it. I don't think I would have made it this far without GOD. I am just thankful that he saw fit to open the doors for me.
WLS: 07.18.05
Great question!
When I first started thinking about surgery, I had a hard time deciding to move around something God made. That might have been one of the reasons I decided on lap-band, but by no means the major. I agree with what most of ya said. If God didn't want it, it wouldn't be possible.
thanks for these great conversations.
Wow Girl, I know exactly where you are coming from. When I first started pursuing WLS my insurance would not pay for it AT ALL-because of an ironclad exclusion! My husband was able to get a better job, and it had much better insurance. I was so excited because they actually covered the surgery. I thought for sure that God was making it happen for me. The most important thing that I have done from the get-go is to pray for God's will not mine. Not long after my husband was at his new job---they FIRED Him! Which meant, no insurance. I thought ok, that's it-God doesn't want me to do it. That's done. But then I was diagnosed with Diabetes, and Sleep Apnea and I realized that I really needed to pursue whatever means necessary to lose the weight. When his ex-employer sent us the Cobra insurance we thought it was too expensive, but we considered it for just myself because of my health problems. Anyway, during this whole episode I just prayed for God's will to be done and if it wasn't supposed to happen then I wouldn't get approved for the surgery and I would pursue other ways to lose weight. So, I went to my consult and they submitted the paperwork, and I was approved 2 weeks later. The most unbelievable thing to me was that they approved it WITHOUT the required 18 mo. diet. And the surgeon's assistant told me that they almost NEVER get approved without further requirements of some kind. I took this as a definate sign from God that it was supposed to happen. Everytime I went for some sort of new testing or psych eval I would pray that if I was not supposed to get the surgery then something would come back bad in these tests and the surgery would not be happening. So far, everything has just fallen into place. I still stuggle with knowing that this is God's absolute will for me, but I know that whatever may happen is going to be in His hands. Even if it means it is my time to go. I have tried to justify the radical aspect of this surgery, I mean afterall-they reroute my intenstines and cut off my stomach! But the only thing I can say about that is, if your appendix is jeopardizing your health, they remove it completely, that is not natural at all. My weight is jeopardizing not only my health but also my happiness and my family's happiness. It is not a vain want it is a need, and as long as I use the tool, and glorify God in all I do, I know that I am in the will of God. Wow! Did I go on forever, or what? Sorry I just couldn't help myself you touched on a subject very near to my own heart. I wish you all of God's blessings for your surgery.