What about underclothes!!
Okay, I start loosing weight, abig shirt is no big deal, pants start to fall off so you wear a belt, bra is not supporting anything because I have stretched it out as far as it would go and underwear is now a parachute for the kids(just kidding). Anyway do I go ahead and buy new underclothes now or do I wait till they fall out of my wide leg? What size do I buy? I don't want to buy too little and not fit or buy too big and wear one week? Maybe I would be better to go without? I just had to vent a little. I worry about things like that instead of food.
Also, my doctor doesn't require liquid diet either, but I want to be in the best recovery shape possible so I will be doing liquid diet with protein shake 3 days before! I enjoy this group and don't respond much but am here to support all of you and receive supprt too. Thank you all, God Bless. By the way I am the 11th, too!!!! 23days!!
Rene - I'm SO LOL right now! I can see you standing at your underwear drawer, holding up a pair, wondering if they'll fit you in two weeks, and pacing the floor wondering what to do about it! LOL
We are kindred spirits hon! I've wondered the same things! Infact, my underwear are SO "holy" that I wanted to get some more before surgery, but heck - what's the point!? Glad to know they have a 30 - 50 pound grace period!
Hi Rene,
You are too funny. I was doing the same thing the other day when I was cleaning out my drawers. I'm like Janice, I have a whole bunch of underwear in different sizes. Fortunatly I have some that I bought awhile ago that are so pretty, I was in one of those moods where I said to myself " I'll fit into this after I diet for a few weeks" yeah right. I wish I had a dime everytime I said that