Anyone Shopping Like A Skinny girl??
Hey everyone!
OK so you all know that I have been cleaning my house like a freak....
well I've moved on! Now I'm shopping for my skinny self!
hehe I am practicaly staring at every thin woman I see.
I keep taking mental notes of what I want to look like. Some days I see someone who looks like she wears about a size 10-12 and I think HALLELUJAH
I would love to look like her, and other days I'm gawking at the little anorexic waifs and thinkin' to myself..."Self! I just know that I could pull that outfit off better than her! Just wait until I lose this weight! I'll be dangerous!"
I'm spending time in the "normal" sizes at the stores in the mall. I'm getting a feel for this new skinny world I'm venturing out into and I'm liking what I see!
When my husband and I watch TV I point out women all the time and say..."I want to be that thin!". He just rolls his eyes at me.
Are any of you secretly staring at strange women?
I feel like such a dork
but I'm so excited because I feel like the possibilities are ENDLESS!
If I can overcome this weight thing I CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING!!
31 days until I give this FAT GIRL the boot! She's been eating my food, my body, my self esteem, and my life so...

Hey Girl!
Im glad im not the only weirdo around here. A few have caught me looking at them.. I can't help it.. i try to imagine what I think my body will look like.. I have an idea..but I can never be sure.. i look at these women.. and see if I would wear that outfit.. or how small ima be.. its so odd..byt your not alone in your staring
good luck!
Hey Jody ..
You arent the only one ... I thought I was going nuts
! I cant stop thinking about what Im going to look like
I havent ventured into the stores yet, I'll do that afterwards. My boyfriend keeps asking me "How thin are you planning on getting?" so I point someone out and say ---- about like that

I thought I was the only nut job starring at other woman and I'm married
My husband caught me a few times and asked me "what the hell are you looking at" I told him and was a little embarressed that I was looking but I'm wondering am I going to look that good and also if HE was starring at any of them!! Cheri
PS I'm buying smaller cloths to because I know this time for SURE I will FIT into them

I LOVE IT! Girls you are great....I just thought well when I get there I will buy the clothes but heck why not go shopping now. I love it....we will look so much better then those twiggys because we will have curves
. I am also looking at other women and what they are wearing saying to myself if it only came in bigger size but then I have to do a reality check and think hey hopefully soon I will be able to buy it in that size. I know I am never going to be able to shop at 5-7-9 but it would be lovely just to be able to run into WalMart and buy a cheap shirt. GREAT idea about buying smaller clothes on clearance now.