As a spin off from the "Shopping goals" thread... I ask... what are your activity goals?
I am still comign up with things -- because there are so many activities I totally dismissed in the past, knowing I could NEVER do them.
Right now some of my activity goals are:
* Climbing a rock-climbing wall
* Getting a season pass to six flags (5 minutes from my house) and using it for EVERYTHING -- roller coasters, and even (gasp) the WATER park.
* Parasailing
* Doing a zip-line (but where can I do this, I wonder? Maybe I'd have to get on Amazing Race...)
* Taking hikes without being afraid I was going to wear out 30 minutes into it.
* Walking in the city without even thinking about it (right now, I think befoer I walk 2 blocks)
* Canoeing/kayaking
* Horseback ridign (I've always been afraid I'd give the animal a hernia)
What are you excited to do post-op???
This is a great post.. I haven't even thought of any of that.. just surviving surgery lol..but now that I think.. I used to love horseback riding as a child.. now I am scared of hurting the horse.. id love to go horseback riding!
just walk up the stairs in the subway in nyc and not get winded.. simple things.. like walking fast (much needed in the city)... more stamina in bed ...I like your six flags idea.. i haven't gone in years!!! when I do go.. i will go on everysingle rollar coaster in the park... !
this is all so scary... but we must tryto look past the actual surgery part and look at the rest of our lives
I know... we are all so focused on the nervousness of upcoming surgery, that it is sometimes hard to see past it.
BUT... I started thinking about these things becasue I am afraid I will come out of surgery... all pain-filled... and spend the next week thinking "What have I done!?!?!"
So... to try and get past this, I am planning to make myslef little signs and post them up in my bedroom.
Things that say:
"Rock climbing walls"
"Shopping in every store"
"Roller Coasters" .... etc... you get the idea.
And NYC... sheesh... I lived there for 7 years.
I used to rush all over the city... walking everywhere.. up and down the subway stairs... and then up 5 flights to my walk-up apartment in the East Villiage.
(And I STILL never got under 200lbs... doesn't that make you sick??)
But I feel like I couldn't even take a day trip there now.
The subway stairs alone would kill me.

This is a great idea! I've been making a list since I decided on surgery. I call it my Vespa-dreams list since I've always wanted a Vespa (could you see a 500 lb. hippo riding one of those????) Anyway, that is my ultimate goal. I'm thinking down to 250 lbs. will do it.
other V-dreams on my list:
?Being able to visit my godson in Trinidad.
?Going to the grocery store or mall (haven't been THERE in years)
?Not having to think about where I will sit or how far from the car I will have to walk before going ANYWHERE.
?Not EVER getting stuck in the above ground pool for 3 hours AGAIN!
well that's the beginning of my list. I think I'll add your list too (if you don't mind)

My goal is to go dancing.
I want to get all my friends together and go clubbing like we used to. I am going to walk around the mall. I might just make that a shopping spree. I am going to take my neices and nephew to the park and run and play. And I promised my bf I would go to six flags and ride all the rides since when we went to fiesta Tx a few years ago my weight kept me from riding with him. THat is all I can think of for now but I will be thinking of more as time goes by.

I am scared to death of roller coaster don't see that happening even after surgery. I would like to walk for enjoyment not, just because I have to. I want to......
1) Be able to play ball with my girls with out having to sit down every 10 minutes for a break.
2) Sweep, mop and clean without being out of breath and my back killing me.
3) Roller skate, I used to love it these 8 1/2 don't support 285 lbs.
4) Not feeling tired all the time and need a nap on the weekends.
5) Be an encourager to my overweight daughter while we conquer this obesity thing together once and for all!!!!
Thank's for mentioning it I too had not thought passed the surgery date.
Hi Maria! You and I have the same surgery date 7/5/05. The only thing is I am in NC. I use to Live in Baltimore and my husband is from Parkville. Where are you having your surgery? I worked at Maryland University hospital, awhile back I am a nurse. I also worked at Sinai Hospital. Good luck with your surgery and lets keep in touch,