Shopping and Goals!!!!
OK I'm July 13th. I stopped buying clothes for myself over a two months ago after I bought about 4 nice short sleeve dressy cotton t-shirts to wear to work in the hot weather. I was able to say THAT'S IT, No more clothes, and believe me, I'm wearing them out because I don't fit in anything else because of the warm weather.
Has anyone bought a goal clothing item? I thought about finding a darling top or dress in a small size and just hanging it up where I can see it and seeing how long it takes me to get there.
As I said, I thought about it but hell, I have no clue what size to get, I would probably end up buying a large or 14 or something. I just can't even imagine what size I will get to. What I would REALLY like to buy is a sleevless demin vest like Shania Twain wears in her Any Man of Mine video.
Any thoughts?
Janis, I have no clue. I haven't even really thought that far yet. I have debated whether or not to buy my VERY LAST huge swim suit for this year or not. Our apt. pool is so late opening up, (still not open yet) plus I'm not sure I'll even go since I look Gosh awful in a swim suit. I think I'm too fat to go that's for sure! I'm going to wait and see who all goes down there and then decide. I just don't have a swim suit and to go would mean I'd have to buy one. Trouble is the ones that really hold you in and that I could get in a long torso size are very pricy and would have to be bought at the mall. Each time on sale I've had to pay about $80. Also, I wanted a 2 piece "TYPE" the kind that looks like a 1 piece but isn't. The other thing is that I want new pj's for the hospital but why if I will be out of them in a couple of months? Thinking of just wearing the old ones I have. So as for buying anything yet I've just about talked myself out of it before I have the surgery and start losing weight.
Oh My God I haven't wore a bathing suit in God knows how long and the only reaseon I wore one was because it was in my own pool or at my sisters private beach,Maybe by the end of August I met be able to put onw without looking rediculous,maybe weae a skirt is some sort around it, ya know. But next year watch out beaches cause here I come. By then I'll have more, than enough self esteem. I have been going thru my drawers and throwing out all the old undies I don't want and keeping all the pretty pink lace ones with matching bras.2 piece pj's that are really sexy. I want to lay on a float out on the sound without constantly falling off.

Bekieve me I sure had my chances of falling off enough of them
In other words ladies we will be able to put on whatever we want and look "FANTASTIC" trust me******************Cheri

Hi Janice,
I am having my surgery on July 1. Can't wait!!!
I have thought about buying a new dress or something as a "goal" dress or so but, I have no idea what size to buy either. Also, whenever I do think about it I still think in terms of kind of big sizes, like a 16 or 18. I just cannot imagine myself in something like a 10 or even a 12. So, I think I will just wait.
Someone in another post mentioned pj's for the hospital. I'm not bringing any! Yep - NAKED! Pleeeeeeeezzzzeeee... naked - no not me! A nurse at my surgeons office said it probably best to just wear the gowns they give you at the hospital. That way if you get sick and vomit
or get blood on yourself, its not your own nice pjs that are ruined. Made sense to me.
I have a question.. With a lap RNY how long before we can shower?
The closer my date gets the more excited I get!
Meanwhile, I am just trying to keep busy so the time passes quickly! I will keep you all posted as to my progress post-op and I am sure you will be hearing from me at least a couple more time pre-op.
Wish my luck!
Blessings & Hugs All Around,

Congrats on your date, wow - that's really soon. I haven't heard about showering yet, I would assume within a day or two, since it's laproscopic. That's a very good point about the pj's, maybe I'll just take an extra shirt or two...
I won't have use for them soon anyway.
I'm trying to keep busy too, I stay on these boards for hours and my husband teases me about it. Nicely I mean.

I was just saying at work today that I would love to take advantage of the end of the season clearance sales (which believe it or not are starting already). I know that right after the fourth of July all of the summer stuff is gone and the back to school stuff is out. By tthe time the kids go back to school winter stuff is out.
I was wondering what size to buy for next summer. I could not even begin to think about what size I may be in so I decided unless I find something so unbelievably cute, I will skip clothes shopping for this year.
I have enough old clothes laying around the house that I can only dream of getting into. I figured I would pull something out of the closet and put that as a "goal" outfit. Maybe not actually wear it once I get there but use it as a focal point
Hope everyone is having a great day, I sure am!!
Enjoy and best wishes,