CRIED all day! Thet cancelled husband surgery :(:(:(
Well I went for my stress test today and so far so good
Thanks God. Any how the Dr. was there and spoke to my husband about his stool sample he dropped off it had an a good amount of blood in it. Then the primary doctor called the surgeon about this it got cancelled imedialtly until further tests are to be done. Thell said somdthing about a very large tumor, God people I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to John. Please keep us in your prayers help me to stay strong during this, Thank you all in advance., We'll be busy for a while but I'll keep you's posted

Well he has an appointment on June 30th to get his stomach scoped. I personally think that's a little to far away but they're the docs, right? They also scheduled his next surgery for July 11th, now he's after me, which is pretty good cause I'll be home and able to help and watch him. Anyhow my nerves arre alittle bit at ease today, thanks to the help I recieved here at OH and the good Lord answered my prayers and my friends who prayed for me.
PS I'll keep you posted

Dawn I'll tell you one thind "God" is very powerful because I've gotten alot of support, like I asked for and my family and friends are all praying for us and the power of prayer is sooooooooooooo strong. It's in the Lords hands now. Thank you for asking about him, it means alot to me.*******************************ooxx hugs********Cheri