What are you eating?
I am trying to lose as much weight as I can before I go under but I'm trying to avoid the foods that I know I will "have" to eat as a post-op. I have read quite a few posts about having the "Last Supper" syndrom. Some people go overboard and eat everything in sight because they fear they may never be able to enjoy food again. Some people go crazy trying to "pretend" that they have already had the surgery and so they are eating chicken broth and protein shakes like they are going out of style. I myself, am just trying to eat a balanced diet. I'm not starving myself or depriving myself from those foods that I love because I know that I just may never be able to eat chocolate again.(Not probable but possible) I'm not pigging out but I'm still giving myslef time to say a propper "goodbye" to all the foods I love. I can't get carried away because my surgeon will cancel the surgery if I gain a single pound.(Office policy)What are you all eating? How are you coping with your farewell to food as you know it?

I haven't been having the "last supper" problem, I'm just eating when I'm really not hungry. My husband has made plans that once a week we will go to a resturant of my choice for something I may not get again or at least anytime soon. I don't feel paniced about giving up anything. I'm ready. "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels!" I really believe that!
I don't cook because I hate to not because I can't. So my bf does all the cooking. And for 2 months now he has been baking or barbecuing everything. I don't like baked pork chops but he has started seasoning them with lawry's so i don't mind them. i weighed myself over the weekend and I had lost 5 lbs. But today I am swollen from running at family reunion yesterday. Ive given up on soda and only drink crystal light and water. And my bf bought me some vitamin water by glaceu home the other day. But I don't know if I can have it after surgery I have to ask my nutritionist.
I have to admit that I AM suffering from the last supper syndrome. BUT - I will be starting a pre-op Optifast diet next Monday and will be on nothing but Optifast, SF Jello and Popsicles until my surgery July 13th. So I can justify going hog wild this week by saying I'm dieting next week. The ladies I work with an I are going to Olive Garden for lunch this week and my husband and I are going to Red Lobster this weekend but other than that I'm just eating whatever I want, when I want. I realize it's not smart but oh well. I am self paying for my surgery so I know for a fact that I won't stray from the Optifast becuase it's so expensive and the whole reason behind it is to reduce the risk of complications (which I can't afford to have).
Personally I have just been taking it easy. My nutrition classes (6 wks pre op and 12 wks post op) have been very informative. Ive slowed down while eating, taking time to "chew" instead of inhale, started using salad plates during meals instead of dinner plates, my guy has been grilling up a a storm all kinds of things --fish, shrimp, scallops, lobster and chicken and its all been wonderful. Ive cut out the caffiene (hard one) and soda (even harder) and have gotten used to drinking water w/ lemon. Ive lost about 10 lbs in the past 3 weeks but the exercise regimen still eludes me. We've got an inground pool so Ive been kicking around in that but not like I should. There are also a few restuarants that Im dying to try before surgery but Im taking it light .... step by step ... minute by minute!! We'll all get there!!
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/05 7:56 am - potomac, MD
on 6/14/05 7:56 am - potomac, MD
my surgery date is july 6th and as of now my surgeon only wants me to have 2 protein shakes a day and 1 meal that has to be 70 grams of protein 30 grams of carbs. THEN, after this thursday i have to go on an all protein shake diet until my surgery date. can you say hell? he claims it is not to torture anyone its just so the liver shrinks in time for surgery so there will be no complications... well, after 29 years of eating crap my liver is just fine. lol. my abdominal ultra sound proves it. bottom line it has been very hard for me to give up my favorite foods.. i have good days and bad days... but i think i'm over the cravings hump. if i find myself wanting something bad i'll drink. drink lots. my dr is really strict about the whole pre op diet stuff. i have an appt this thursday and if he doesnt' feel i've lost enough weight he may push my surgery date back. so i've been sticking to the diet the best i can and walking and exercising as much as possible.. the last thing i want is my date pushed back. good luck with your eating... i basically have been eating an atkins style. whenever i want candy, carbs.. etc.. i just remind myself that it will equal more weight for me to lose/worry about. i know its hard, hang in there.