We are beautiful people, inside and out!!!
hello everybody,
I just wanted to say a few things about us. First of all, we are really beautiful people not just on the outside but inside too. People forget about the beauty they have unside themselfes and are to fixed on the outer beauty. Personally, you could be one of the most beautifulist person in the world but, like my mother used to say it's not the outer beauty it's the inner soul 

When I talk to my friends and tell then about this site and board, I tell them how beautiful the people here are. I also took some time to look at some of you profiles and pics and for the most part you woman are beautiful, absolutly beautiful, I enjoy talking to all of you because I know you care by the way you respond to some of the quetions or comments.
Just wanted to let the July board that we have a whole bunch of good people here, and I really want to thank them, so "thank you all" ****Cheri 

Hi Ladies,
Thanks for all the support, I really need it today.I calmed down a little bit and so has my attitude. It took them 4 long hours to do that damn stress tests but thank God it all went fine. Of course goes in I day and a wake up and he's driving me and thr kids nuts*****************************Good luck and God bless ****************************************************Cheri