I just want to say.............
I had not thought about how many actual days until I read your post. I have to say that my heart skipped a beat realizing it is that close!
I have way to much work to do around the house but yet I sit on this computer reading every single post on this board. I am addicted!!!
Best wishes to everyone

Hi Ladies
I too sit on this computer like I have'nt nothing else to do, well I really don't.
LOL As long as my work is done, right? Any how I have only 23 days and a wake up, WOW. I thought I'd never see this day. Or at least get this close
Tomorrow is my stress test and then on the 23rd my 1 on 1 finally. I can't wait. MY HUSBAND ON THE OTHER HAND IS DRIVING ME NUTS, HE HAS 2 DAYS AND A WAKE UP, LUCKY HIM