My big day is coming soon.
Hi Kristi, 
Welcome to the OH site. It's a great site here and it's very supportive. The people here are great and very caring.
I too am having surgery July6th and my husband goes in 3 days and a wake up, June 15th. We too are very excited and he's a nervous wreck right now but we will get thru it. It's absolutly ok to be nervous, it's natural. If you want to talk or just ask questions or even vent, this is the place. Good luck and God bless.

Thanks guys. Good luck to all of you all too. I just hate not knowing the unknown feelings that we will have after wards. My best friend is scared to death for me. I have tried toget her to go to some of the support meetings but she want. She said she will stop worrying after its done and over and I am all right. Any ideals how I can comfort her?