New Here w/a date
Hi all
.. Ive been pokin around this board this afternoon (should be working) as it came up when I put in my surgery date. Its great to see a board that is so responsive and supportive. Looks as if we are all on the same "page" and are experiencing the same things. Cant wait to get to know all of you better and hang out with you thru our surgeries and further. Good Luck to everyone and I look forward to hangin out here w/ ya'll.!
LAP RNY 7/5/2005

Hi Deb,
We share surgery dates!
Welcome to the board! I go for pre-op testing tomorrow. I am very excited about the surgery, but also a little scared. I have been making myself read about all the bad stuff with the surgery, just because I want to be prepared for anything. This website has been a TREMENDOUS help for me through all my decisions along my journey. Anyway blessings to you on your journey to the other side! You are among friends!