Lets talk about "SEX" and how good it'll be again!!!!
Hey Cheri,
Hey girl, wuzzzzzz up? You are so brave to bring this up! Kudos!
It is so funny that you brought this up right now, because I was jus****ching one of those Discovery-Plastic Surgery Before and After shows. It showed a female patient who had gastric bypass and lost 120 pounds, but her and her husband were very unhappy with the excess skin that she had. They said that it was effecting their sex life in a HUGE way. In his words "it was disgusting". It showed her excess skin in great detail and in my personal opinion the extra skin did not look near as bad as all the fat rolls that most of us have now. I would say that she was about upper 40's early 50's and it did not look too bad. Anyway, she had a TOTAL body lift in the hopes that it would improve her sex life and make her husband happier. However, after the surgery he was still not happy, he said that she was too different and controlling. I just don't get it, you can't make this guy happy. She said that she loves to shop for undies now and bought some really expensive Victoria's Secret stuff. She strutted around the house in them just TRYING to get his attention. My question for her and him would be, did you have a great sex life when all those fat rolls were in the way? Maybe he would be happier if she stayed fat and died early because of obesity related illnesses. I think that we all need to realize that sometimes this surgery changes your whole attitude and self-image and sometimes the people in our lives don't like the change. I have had many long talks with my husband about it, and he is sooo ready for that day. He says that I can strut in my undies for him anytime! I doubt that I will ever do that-it's just not me(never have done that, even when I was thinner). But, who knows what changes we will go through. I am sure that is why everyone uses that butterfly mascot for WLS. Anyway, just my two cents. I am still looking forward to the surgery in a BIG way, even if I have the hanging skin syndrome. HEHEHEHE

First of all I know that when I change my body my mind will sure change with it. I've always felt sexy but latley it's that when I really take a good look at myself (naked) that is, YUK!!
definitly not sexy looking!. I know for sure I will feel sooooooooooo sexy when I lose the weight I want to lose. As soon as I get under the 3 hundred mark I'll feel sexy again but as those pounds melt away whatch out hubby and world cause here I come

Now Chrystal hi girl how are you doing? I read what you wrote and if you ask me he just wants her to remain fat. Alot of husbands don't have alot of self asteem themselfes and blame the problem on the wife some how. Most men that fear their wifes changing and getting healthy are not being supportive at all. Like my husband he married me 28 years ago at 190lbs. and loved me then and to this day he loves me at 329 1/2 lbs. He is 100% supportive and me to with him. 
Right now if we don't do this surgery we won't grow old together something we've talked about since we got married. Were in out 40's now and doing what were doing cause we want to spend the rest of our lives together healthy and happier, being more active, in and out of the bedroom. I can't wait to strut my stuff for him, the extra skin who cares like you said the fat rolls were alot uglier I'm sure. Plus there's always candles and you can dim the lights