I'm so tired of negatve comments!
I've heard so many negative comments in general directed at other people, I decided to only tell my husband (who has been with me throughout the decision process), my parents, my sister, and two friends (one of which knows now and the other I will tell before the surgery).
Everyone else will just find out afterward - if they ask . . .
I don't think I'm ashamed of having RNY, but I don't feel up to dealing with everyone's opinions. I am not doing this for cosmetic reasons. I have a sick liver as well as a few other co-morbidities. So their opinions will be coming from an entirely different dimension anyway.
Janice, I'm sorry that you are feeling so ucky today. I will pray that you will wake up tomorrow morning knowing that you are doing the right thing and people will get on your bandwagon sooner or later.
I had a few say that I don't need the surgery, took those as compliments.
Then my sister who's tried to get it but her ins. won't pay said, "Good luck" in a way she really didn't think I would be able to get it through mine. And my dad was worried but supportive, and that's it. But other than that no one else even seems to care one way or another. It doen't even get brought up unless I mention it. Geesh! doesn't anyone care???

Yeah, I get that too. I think the majority of people don't get what this surgery really entails. In order to not worry my brothers and sisters too much I don't think I will tell them until after I am home (they all live about 175 miles away), then I just might say I got my stomach stapled and not explain the whole bypass procedure. I for one didn't even know what gastric bypass was when my friend had it 2 years ago. I knew what stomach stapling was...lol.
I was at my new doctor (not my surgeon) on Friday and told one of the nurses I was having surgery next month and first word out of her mouth was WHY almost a "God are you stupid" type comment. I just said "because, I can't go much longer with my weight in this chair". I left it at that, when my appointment was over, I saw her corner the doctor as he walked down the hall. The both turned around and looked at me. Oh well. My doctor agrees I will benefit from it although he may not agree with it.
I for one can't wait till it's over and done with. Then people I don't know won't know how big I was and I won't have to explain myself, for the most part anyway.