I wish you all good luck with your surgery****
Hi everyone who is getting ready to have surgery and to those who did.
I just wanted to post a little something wishing you all the very best during and after your surgery. May the angels follow us through are new and healthy life. I can't wait to be called a loser
This will be the first time in my life that I won't mind being called a "LOSER" LOL
************************************************Cheri B.

Yes, thanks Cheri! I don't think I believe it yet? Honestly, my hysterectomy at 35 has aged me so much and my metabolism is so out of wack and the hormones are not yet regulated that it has seemed impossible to lose weight the last 3 years. I was on Atkins for a whole year and only lost 30 pounds and that was at the very beginning of my surgery, it came off fast then it all stopped. Those came right back the min. I gave up. I guess I'm worried that even this surgery may not help me lose the weight. I hope that even though I am in menopause that this drastic change will work wonders for me. It just doesn't seem real at all to me. Feels too good to be true.
Hi girls
This may be to good to be true but it is

Believe me it's true. I'm sure you ladies have done all the hard work to have this surgery(Dr. visits, nutrionist appointments, Psycologist appts. and so on). The Dr. will do his part now and all we have to do is follow his orders. But this time are stomachs will be so small we'll have no choice. That's why I chose to have this kind of surgery. Believe me I've also tried every single diet in the world and nothing works for me either. When they do work I only end up gaining more weight when I stop. So ladies we will look and feel absolutly beautiful inside and out within 1 year, since were all pretty much going around the same time
So lets do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cheri

Girl I think we are on the same page...I feel the same way. It was easier for me to wait on the approval..because I prepared myself for denial and now that I know it is actually going to happen.........I can't take it !!!!! I was the same way about being preg. waiting on the pink line was easier!!!
Danielle 7/13/05

Well look at it this way, you now have a deadline to have a clean house, a stocked fridge and new comfortable clothes to buy so you can lay around and not be naked!!! LOL Try making lists of things to do. And then go buy yourself some lounge wear. cause Lord knows we are going to need them.. Cause people always visit after the hospital and I never have anything to wear!!

Hi Danielle and good morning. It looks like you can't sleep either

You are so right I will go and buy myself some nice lounging clothes. We don't want to buy too much because we are all going to lose the weight so fast and we'll need an entire wardrobe

God I can't wait to put on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with a BELT and look good, actually no matter what we put on we'll all look good, right? 