Nice looking ID bracelets
I have searched far and wide to find cute medial bracelets and I finallly found some nice You can even order the child designs for yourself because you choose the bracelet length. They have some cute evgraving and there are alot to choose from. Not bad prices either........But what the heck are we supposed to put on them? Bariatric surgery patient? Gastric bypass patient?????? let me know when you find out!!!

I am worried about getting anything too pretty.
I saw several posts about medic alert bracelets not being looked at all.
Apparently it is common for paramedics and doctors to overlook them if they don't "scream" medic alert.
The pretty ones (though more comfortable for us to wear and look at every day) don't get noticed.
Don't get me wrong... I am with you.... I don't want to have to wear one of those things -- and if I do, I want it to look nice... but it sounds like we shouldn't get ones that look TOO MUCH like jewelry.
I'm with you Maria. I'm getting the simple stainless steal like this one. Plus it's cheaper! Check it out!