Help!!What can you do for anemic?
Hi everyone, my husband just found out he's anemic(hope i'm spelling it right). He went to give more blood today to see exactly what's going on, the problem is he's scheduled for surgery on June 15th but for some reason I have this feeling that they'll cancel it. Do any of you people know what can and can't be done for people who are enemic or what causes it? In other words is there something he and I can do to make him better? Really confused.********************Cheri
My mother has a severe problem with anemia. She's so anemic that she has to get iron infusions and blood transfusions on a fairly regular basis. She has to increase her iron intake - but I would suggest seeing a doc about it. (which you are doing
) Iron can be hard to absorb and tolerate for the belly. Do a google for iron rich foods. I know that green leafy veggies are high in iron. For some reason Broccoli is really sticking in my head. It just really depends on how anemic he is. Did they tell you any numbers at all? A multi-vitamin with iron could help, but I'm afraid nothing may help in time for the surgery. Let us know what happens!!
Hopefully someone else can give better suggestions!?

Well the doc said that they think??? that it's just a low iron defeiciency, he has to go one more time tommorow morning for a rectal exam just to be safe. Thanks for the advice Kimberly I'll start him on the vitamins right away, every little thing helps, right? The doc said that he should still be able to have his surgery as scheduled as long as the exam turns out ok. Keep us in your prayers.***************Cheri
I have severe anemia and I have to take liquid iron every day. It can be hard to find but it is better absorbed by the body. I also have to have frequent iron injections as well. It can leave you feeling really tired and lethargic. I feel pretty normal as long as I stay on top of the iron.
Hope this helps,