Looking forward to...
Well, i thought we could pass some time and make a list of things we're looking forward to. (yup - another list!) I'm personally not going to include the "health" issues being resolved, 'cause I just want to think of the FUN things I'm looking forward to! And the things that will make my heart sing for joy!
1 - riding a bike (& no one thinking my butt is swallowing the seat!)
2 - roller coasters, bungee jumping, skydiving, need I say more? THRILLS!
3 - "normal" sized clothes that don't all look like something my grandma would wear OR cost so much (helloOOOO - you didn't use THAT much extra material!)
4 - fitting into movie seats, plane seats, lawn chairs, restaurant booths and every other seat I've "sized up" before risking it)
You get the picture... what are YOU looking forward to?
Great post!
Here are a few of mine.
1. Having a lap again, I used to be able to hold my niece on my lap and roll around. (I'm confined to a wheelchair)
2. Crossing my legs and having them stay.
3. Being able to wear scoop neck shirts. (A few years ago I got down to 180 and they looked great on me, now they just look NASTY)
4. Seeing what I will look like. All the before and after pictures I see are amazing, people look like totally different people.
5. Getting rid of elastic waist jeans/pants.
Is it July yet????

Painting my toenails without have to guess that I'm actually painting all of the nail.
Seeing my feet when standing!
Not walking by a mirror (especially when out in public) and be so dissapointed in what I see. This is especially hard when I feel good about the way I look when I leave the house, but upon entering the store, I can see my reflection in the door as I'm walking up, and realize that I am a big fat blimp of a person! And that I waddle! LOL
Being instantly respected, instead of instantly judged.
Playing football with my sons. (and daughter if she so desires)
Not being watched when I eat, as if they are saying - is she really going to eat that whole thing?
Being able to drink - and sober up - all within 30 minutes! (I really don't drink hardly ever, but I've heard this happens and can't wait to try it, just because
Being able to clean the bathtub!
And I know I will have arrived when I can play the piano for more that 15 minutes at a time with no pain!

[Not walking by a mirror (especially when out in public) and be so dissapointed in what I see. This is especially hard when I feel good about the way I look when I leave the house, but upon entering the store, I can see my reflection in the door as I'm walking up, and realize that I am a big fat blimp of a person! And that I waddle! LOL] This one I can really relate too. That's a hard one for me.
Going to the beach or pool and feel normal, not for show.
Shopping at a normal clothing store.
Fitting in seats at amusement parks before my kids grow up.
Walk up a flight of stairs and not lose my breath.
Find my lap. Also I have the toe nail problem with the polish etc.
I really like this post! It's fun to desire and dream about what things will be like on the otherside. I have a lot of things I can't wait for but here are just a few.
1. get up, bend over, move around all with out pain or discomfort.
2. buy cute clothes, our options are going to be huge! going from maybe one or two racks of clothes to a whole department of options will be nice.
3. wear a thong, and feel sexy. Even if no one else sees it I will know it is there.
4. My daughter and I can't wait to start rollerblading and going for walks around the lake.
WOW there are soooooooo many things I want to do!!!!!!!
1. SEX will be so good again, even though I'm married 28yrs. I still want to look good and feel sexy 
2. Putting anything on and looking good
3. No more pain
4. Walk like a lady instead if a duck
5. Fit in all those places that I have to check out first.
6. Just plain old walking around without the pain or out of breath
7. See my kootchie again and feet
8. The beach without looking like a beached whale
9. Shop at a regular store for cloths and LOOK good in them
10.Feeling really good about myself again and don't have to be embarressed about anything anymore that had to do with my weight, me and my husband
11.Do things with my kids I haven't done in years
12.In all, just try to live a so-called normal life like other people who don't have weight problems and don't understand what we go thru.
PS Just don't forget what we went through and what it feels like
*********************************Cheri ***I'm so excited right now just thinking about whats going to happen