What will you do now?
Well I read everyones list and I too am making a list, well trying to LOL. It's on my mind anyway. But I have started stocking up on bottled water and Flinstone vitamins and a multi-vitamin with iron, insure all different flavors (thank god my insurance pays for it), decafinated tea, carnation instant breakfastes, splenda, sugar free jello. Now I have to get my list going, I want to bring a table fan with me, I have night sweats so bad and if it's hot in my room I want to be comfortable, slippers, nightgowns, underware, brush, toothpaste, toothbrush, deoderant, bathrobe (if I could find one that won't be to hot to wear), a few books and I think that's about it. If anyone thinks I've forgotten anything please let me know. I also read that some of you are going to sleep in a recliner, may I ask why? I have a HUGE one would I be more comfortable there? One more thing, the sryrup you ladies talked about, what is that?
Thanks for reminding me what I still have to do, LOL
Cheri, This is what they look like. They are flavoring for coffee mostly but you can use them in tons of things. I would put them in cream cheese when i was on low carb. Mix them in tea etc. Take a look at the web site for recipes on how to use them. As for your list don't forget chap-stick or carmex for dry lips, you'll be sure to have them after surgery.
(deactivated member)
on 6/5/05 11:37 pm
on 6/5/05 11:37 pm
Cheri - I'm having open surgery. From most other post ops I've talked to, it was really hard getting comfortable in their bed - so they slept in the recliner. Lucky for you to have one already!!
I don't, but we're getting one from my husband's company for a great price so I don't feel too bad.
Lots of luck to you.
Hi. My surgery is July 19. A couple of things I haven't seen mentioned:
Tongs to use in the restroom to get to those hard
to reach places.
A small fan for the hospital in case the room is too
I've got to remember that lip moisturizer! My mouth is always so dry after surgery.
I wish each of you well with your upcoming surgery.
Lisa J.
I have already made list after list of the lists I already made!!
I have purchased pretty much everything I need. I need to start to puree some food to freeze...Hint buy Tupperware 1oz. containers with lids!! They are the perfect portion size.
My list for the hospital includes:
Burt Bees Lip Balm
Bath & Body Works antibacterial hand wash
Robe, Slippers
Comfortable clothes to go home in (Lane Bryant pj's)
List of Meds.
Breathing exerise equipment
Pre/Post op book from Doctor
Cellphone w/ charger
Pics of family & my dog!!
I'm sure there is more, but I can't remember right know! Congrats to all of us in July!! May God Bless us through our surgeries.
Jen W.

Here's what I have so far.
"Things to bring to the hospital"
1. Pj's
2. Slippers
3. small fan
4. light make-up (mascara, blush for color on eyes & cheeks)
5. Burt Bees Lip Balm
6. cell phone & charger
7. book or magazine
8. blow dryer
9. bath gel
10. shampoo
11. conditioner
12. tooth paste
13. tooth brush
14. hair brush
15. pillows
16. eye mask
17. body lotions
18. medications
19. hormone patches
20. camera
21. eyeglass case
22. body lotion
Jennifer where do you buy the 10z tupperware things?
What a good topic!
Well, my initial surgery date came and went. So did my second and third dates. I have made my lists and have bought supplies that I needed. I did all of this before my first surgery date. My date now is July the 14th (I hope this one sticks!!!).
Yes, what do I do now? I have around 38 days to go. I am drinking more water. Trying to walk more. I am jumping through the hoops. But mostly, I am twiddling my thumbs!
I was so excited before the first date, that I gave away most of my clothes. Now I am searching for anything to wear. Jumped the gun there. Congratulations everybody on their date!