Happy Thanksgiving

Tim C.
on 11/27/08 9:41 pm - Roseville, MI

Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving.

Dinner was at my house this year, had 16 people over for the festivities.

I had a little Turkey, a small dollop of mashed potatoes (gravy on both) and a small salad.
I also found the absolute best sugar free apple pie in south east Michigan! Had a good piece of that!

What did YOU eat???


Tammy E.
on 11/30/08 8:19 am - St. Paul Park, MN
I ate about the same for the first serving but about 3 hours later I ate more. I'm regreating it still but tomorrow is the start of a new me. I have gtained so much and I know that I need to cut back.
Sorry it's late but Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

I'm almost done Christmas shopping and just have the wrapping to do.

Take care everyone!

Sun Smith
on 1/10/09 7:37 am - Seattle, WA
We had a small Thanksgiving.  My sister came by.  We did it up traditionally with turkey and pumpkin pie.  However, it was only a small bite of most of the food, just a taste.  I had a nibble of the mashed potatoes with gravy and skipped the stuffing.

We did most of our celebration for Christmas.  We've moved into a new house (for use) and invited the entire family to join us.  With the 3 siblings, our kids, the siblings kids, and their families we had quite a crowd.  There was an abundance of food with turkey and roast beef and ham.  We enjoyed seeing the entire crowd, Christmas is the one time of year everybody gets together.

Enjoy your 2009!


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