Hey every body.. just wanted to drop by and send a shout out to all of you. Debbie said it best in a prior post, Our lives have changed and the support we received from each other and being a group was the most wonderful thing for a long time. But, with time comes new changes and challanges. Life is different now. for sure.
I'm holding my own and really enjoying my new second chance. I try to watch and eat pretty healthy and i do stick to most of all the old 'rules'. I don't drink and eat. I eat Protein first and take those 3 bites of that first. I walk a lot.. I still take the bike out and ride, I'm pretty active around the house and everywhere else.. I wear a size 4 or very small sizes. .. I like this new me. I've had a very good freind of mine go thru Gastric Bypass about 8 months ago and watching her transformation has helped to help me want to contine setting good examples for myself.
I wish you all well as always.. and will check back to see how you all are. This board brought me through for a major part of this whole thing. I'll never forget you guys..
* Special hugs and prayers to Dave. xoxoxo
Thanks Mo for the support. Life is better but it still has challenges. I came down with thrush last week and am undergoing Nystatin: 4 dose a day for 10 days. It's not uncommon in patients with dry mouths. Marge and I are leaving on a trip to Branson with friends April 5. We plan to see some great fifties/sixties groups and kick back! In June, we are booked on a seven day Holland America cruise from Seattle to several points in Alaska again with friends. So we are slowly getting back in the swing. I'm learning to talk and eat with my new falsies. We may pull my feeding tube soon.
Your right: one can'tforget the support of bthis board.
HEY MO! WOW - been a long time since I've been on OH at all! I got frustrated because I was having issues with it being very slow to load pages, so I got out of the habit. Decided today to try it again, some active x stuff came up, and now I'm zipping back through the boards! WOOHOO!!!
Anyway, glad to know all is going well for you still! I too am holding steady. Trying so hard to stay the road! I still dump, so that's good! LOL I am the president of our local support group this year, so that has kept me busy and very involved. I was in their TV commercial a few weeks ago, and was in their print ad too. Monday I'm doing an interview for some Japanese thing with my surgeon. Not sure what that's all about, but I'm going anyway. LOL All these "public appearances" has me double checking myself alot. Year 3 is when everyone I know who has gained weight back started. So, I'm stressing alot these days. Trying very very very hard NOT to get back to old habits, even though I find I can eat significantly more these days. Now more than ever it is important to remember the pouch rules. You seem to have them under control. That's GREAT!
Anyway, I miss everyone on here, and hope to hear from alot of you soon!

All I have is time on my hands now. The doctor put me out of work for good. I sit home day after freaking day. I am still hanging on to 100 lbs. I might jump to 105 from the swelling from the anorexia and bulimia. I have been in and out of rehab god so many times I can't tell ya. They get me back up to 108 then I come home and stop eating. The doctor told me last Wednesday I was already dead inside and I was working hard on the outside. OH WELL. I did it all to myself just to be skinny. Gotta watch what we wish for. I am into a childrens size10. and a jr.0-00. My hair is very thin. My finger nails are falling off. My teeth are chipping. My son is 22 and lives out on his own. I still have my 16 year old. She is wanting to get married. OH HELL NO.. not unless I die..........He is a good guy. He helps me more than my own kids do. He takes my trash to the curb and goes picks up stuff from the stores. I can't be around many people at one time or I black out with panic attacks. So I sit home in the dark with my dark trash bags over the windows, I am sorry if I let any of you down. Wish I could have posted what a wonderful,happy life I am having but it would be a lie. But I am very happy for you all that are doing well.
I am just returning to the board. I havn't even checked it for a couple of years. I was just looking around and read your reply April 18 to Vickie. My heart truly goes out to you. I know you are in pain. (It sounds so lame when I read what I've written) but I will remember you in prayer and send you good thoughts. I hope your kids understand you and are helpful and supportive. Cill