TT and Hernia repair over and home with drains
Well it was not as bad as I anticipated... I went under knowing it was going to hurt. I woke up in recovery with a nurse waiting to give me ice chips... they let me wake up on my own... I was impressed- I got a heated blanket while waiting to go in... I got my thigh highs and elbow pads and heal pads... Surgery was 5.5 hours.. had my hernia repaired and had abdominal muscles tightened and all the overhang from old belly button down is gone along with the old scar.. I was amazed- no black and blues. two drains and binder home the next day... It has been a little challenging- but It looks great...Even my new make beleive belly button looks better than the old one that was scarred the hernia since the car accident was a huge cantaloupe and it is gone... I even got a little lift in pubic area/ If the PS will give me a copy of my before and after I will post. I am AMAZED..VERY soar do not let me fool you it is not a walk in the park... Allthough today was day 6 post op and I took a lil 30 min walk..exhausted though..I am a wimp with pain and the pain pills are neck and back hurt more...
will keep u posted. one drain supposed to come out on Monday...

I'm glad you made it out fine and that sofar so good! I'm really looking forward to seeing some pictures so post up when you have them. I think I'm going to be the same way, dread the worst and hope for the best regarding the pain. It's 3 months and counting till my day ... looking forard but scared! Congrats again and can't wait to see how you look after your healed!
I am investigating surgery for over hanging flab on my stomach. I was dianosed (spelled wrong) with a hernia a few years back. Dr. said it was like runs in a nylon and I would need a screen thing put in to repair it. Do you have any experience with whether this is a hernia that would allow me do get the flab off at the same time. I understand it is so hard to get insurance to pay for it. My primary Dr. said I should document infections in folds of skin to qualify but I spray with jock itch every day do I don't get infected and shower lots. I also don't want the pain of having infections under my stomach and pubic areaa by letting myself get infected. thanks in advance.
Any one else have any experience to share?