Tummy tuck pictures
I posted some before & after pictures from my tummy tuck on my profile. They are only mildly edited so viewer beware. One of the areas that I see the biggest difference in is the genital area so I didn't want to edit that out too much; so you've been given fair warning that you might see more of me than you expected.
I had no liposuction - the doctor said I didn't have any fat left. He said it was all "de-fatted" skin. He removed about 2.5 pounds of skin. I have a problem area at the bottom of the anchor and you'll see a big white patch on the post picture that is covering the area. It's about the size of a dime (maybe a nickel - I'm not good at that kind of estimating). It pulled open and just looks yucky. I'm hoping it will continue to close up on its own without further medical intervention. Otherwise, I'm doing pretty good (still can't stand completely upright). I have a follow-up with the surgeon on Thursday (6 Dec) so I'll know more then.

I had three leg drains for 10 days. Normal - well, that's a little harder to define. I stayed in a MuMu in the hotel room; but I got back into regular clothes the day I was discharged from the hospital. It took some work with my three drain tubes but I found the easiest thing was to pin them up to my binder with safety pins. I could have easily gone back to work for 1/2 days during my second week but I took the full two weeks off from work. My tummy still feels "tight" in a odd way....did you have an anchor TT or just a lower bikini incision? The problem area that I had was cleaned up last week and the doc stitched me back closed so I still have to watch the lifting. I still wear my binder and girdle panties....they somehow make me feel better - like they hold my guts in so everything doesn't "pop" open
I'll try to take some new pics soon and post an update.

Wow you look amazing!!!
I'm having my LBL and breast lift on 5/12 and am a little scared since my pain tolerance is really low! Thankfully they will give me a pain pump that I will have for 2-3 days and will need to take back. I'm saving all my demoral and vicadons I have from previous surgeries so I can be drugged out of my mind and hopefully not be in too much pain!
Again, you look fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!