i'm home
I am home from BR- came home actually yesterday mid afternoon.. I could've stayed
longer- however- i got a bad nurse for that shift- and a new roommie- that all she did was
swear and then family came like crazy and were so LOUD...
I only get migraines it seems like when i have surgery- so i'm fighting that- but not in pain really at all- suprised me... i only had about a 3 inch pain from top of left Breast to the side- where the drain tube was placed- and i guess he touched the muscle on that side.... it's much better today- and i'm only taking tylenol now... walking around...and resting....
they moved surgery up from 3:30- to 11:00- but then didn't get into the operation room anyway until 2ish.. (i remember being wheeled to the room- but not being moved or breathing anything- and my vitals where so good- that i was moved up to my room around 4:30ish... and other than being really got and sick to tummy and a headache from sound and light... I was actually ok.. (and the left breast 3 inch pain)... i had morphin 2 times- and other than that- tylonel.........
I'm a little worried though- how small i am- he said he kept me around a C cup- but they took out over 2 pounds in one breast and 2 1/2 pounds in the other.. (YIKES)
i have a pain buster ball thing- but i'm not sure if it's really working or not.. since I have nausea and the grogginess... ???? could be worse then uh?
anyway- i'm home.. and resting..