Long time no see ....
Great to see you! What you are describing with your blood sugar is pretty much classic dumping syndrome. I have it also. Some days are better than others. Glorified hypoglycemia. LOL Ain't it great? One thing I've noticed, if I eat something with sugar in it... even if it's BBQ sauce on my meat and I test my blood sugar within about 30 minutes of eating, my sugar will be over 200, and within a few hours, sometimes shorter, it'll suddenly drop and I'll be in the 30-40 range. It's misery. I'm very carefull (generally) about what I eat. Last night it happened after Olive garden. I ordered shrimp, but ate the mint they give after dinner. By the time I got home I was dropping fast! Juice or milk is the fastest remedy I've found. I try to always have OJ on hand. A few good gulps and I begin to feel better. Milk takes a little more and a little bit longer to begin feeling it, but it works well in a pinch.
Anyway, just wanted to say you're not alone! I'm glad to know I'm not alone either!