disappointed in...
went to go see the chiropractor- didn't want to even hear or listen to the talk of NEED of the removal of the excess skin/fat or breast lift- he said- i could strengthn my core and help me back without the surgery. but my primary dr is the best person to discuss that. i don't have 6 months of the rashes documented- just 1 or 2 from RNY dr- none from primary. GOSH do i wish i had gone in every time I had a rash...
i'm not sure if insurance will cover it- my back/shoulders and neck HURT all the time- i just know it's from the extra weight in the front..
I just want to cry..
I do have an appointment at 8am on may 24th to see a plastics.. but i doubt i will qualify for insurance coverage

Jennifer, You have to be your own best advocate for Plastic Surgery. When you have the Plastic Surgeon submit your claim to insurance be sure that letters from your Priamery Doctor and Bariatric Surgeon are included with it. Medical Neccesity Letters and one from you explaining in your own words why you should have these surgeries. Tell about your day in class the way you told us last week.
Don't be so discourged. If you want this to happen it will. You just can't get let down by results and answers you haven't even received yet. Get your ducks in order and then there are always appeals if you need to.
Do what Mo says. Also, remember the chiropractor makes money- so OF COURSE he says he can fix you by visits to him and strengthening your core. To, be fair, he might be able to help you and alleviate some of the pain, but is he willing to right a note in support of your surgery if he doesn't alleviate all of it in 3-6 months? Did he take X-rays to look for any structural damage?