Like Scooby...H-ROOO!!
Hey guys!
Thought i would pop in and see what is goin on round these parts.
Gots sum weddings, babies, plastics and a few health issues goin on here.....seems to be a mixed bag.
As for me.....i wont rehash all of the boring details of my life but I AM alive and kicking.
I have a family wedding to go to this weekend and have been trying on a bunch of clothes. What a dichotomy of emotions! I love that I can wear a 3/4 but I have to hide all of the gross skin! Im like the witch from the Wizard of OZ......Im MELTING....MEEEELLLLTING! Ugh! I look great in clothes as long as all you can see are my arms from the elbow down and my legs from the knee down. The rest is a train wreck. The boobs have taken a fatal hit as well. Once a 44DDD..Im now sportin a 32B.
But they are perky once again they were in High School....Thank God SOMETHING rebounded! HA! Not a complaint....just a frusteration.
Crunching the numbers......
175 lb loss. Not bad eh?
I will be single soon....the countdown has begun!
Love to you all,

Hey Sweet Pea, we been missing you. I don't post much but do lurk often. Keep focused and postive like you always are and things will work out.
Single life aint so bad.... Been doing it since 1997. We love and miss you lotsa lotsa lotsa. Read all the old posts, I had my plastics in March, doing great now.
Luv ya,
Hi Malibu! Good to see you back around. congratulations on the weight loss. And isn't it hard to believe that we are almost at the two year mark? And now we all are talking tummy tucks and skin issues. I know I have them, and my insurance won't pay, so I am playing the lottery and hoping someway I can get it done. I totally agree with you on the heels things. (other post) I love my heels now. I like the new wedge ones that are popular this spring too. Funny how a couple hundred pounds gone makes us feel more girly?
Take care, and come around more often! Now if we could just get Andrea and Peter to come out and give us an update...........
Howdy stranger! Glad things seem to be going well for you. Been thinking about you! How's your son doing?
Take care of yourself...weddings can be so trying when you've been what you've been through. Hopefully alot of people will be seeing you for the first time and will be WOWED!
You've done remarkably well!