Hey sweet Mo, I posted a reply to your Plastics post on the other site.
I am doing FABULOUS. Measurements are 38 - 29 - 38. Not bad for a 50 yr old granny huh? I went to doc today and he asked if I would allow him to use my pics on his website. WOW the "girls" are gonna be famous LOL
I feel fabulous, scars look great, gonna update pics in a few days. The "girls" are trying to settle in. My two bobo's that opened up are almost well. Just a tad bit more healing but I can't even feel them.
I spent a small fortune yesterday at Vickie's Secrets, whoo hoo boy that was fun. Got some sexy nighties in size Medium. Bra is now 36D when it used to be 44a.... Go figure even when I was a fatty never had boobs.
I start my new job Tuesday and am excited about that. My love life is going great, except for my boyfriend is definitely marriage shy? Gotta work on that one.
I see you are closer to your plastics. I am keeping my fingers crossed for ya g'friend. Kimberly you didn't even look like you needed much plastics the last time I saw you.
Luv yall lots,
Hi Sue Girl!! I just finished responding to you on the Plastics Board. You are so great I love you lots.. I wish I could hug you ( after you are all nicley healed of course.. It sounds like you are one beautiful woman Sue.. And I so admire what you have done for yourself.. I will be back with lots of questions and hope you will bear with me. can't wait to see your newest pics when you post them. ...I'm trying like the devil to get this done.. And eventually I will succeed! I will get this excess skin outta here!!! .. by hook or by crook like my Mother used to say..

Hey Sue,
Glad to hear all is going well! Hope you are LOVING your new job! You deserve it baby! I really don't NEED plastics, but the strangest thing is happening. I haven't gained a pound. BUT, my hips and thighs are a bit bigger now. Everyone says they look fine, but you know how vanity can be. Plus I had some really cute clothes that I really want to wear, but they are tight this year. Seems I have an extra "roll" on my legs now too. Gravity? I don't know, but I just know I want a flat stomach. My "lap" is definatly hanging lower. I'm gonna make an appointment with my gyno and see if he can come up with a medical reason to at least need a tummy tuck. It sure would be nice! I'm tired of wearing a girdle with my tight dresses. GRRRRR
Scott and I will be traveling next week to an interview... I'll post another post about all of that. Sounds VERY promising!
Please let's get together soon.... I miss you so much!