So how are things?
Okay.. I'm fine . I feel good. how's everyone else? .. {{{AT least I typed somthin'}}} come on folks...
Sue how are you?
Tim whats up?
Nan where the hell are ya?
Channon come out and play!
Deb say something cheerful willya?
Andra & Peter come up for air!!!
and the list goes on .. I miss you all...
peace all------------------the -----------------time
Hey there Mo!
Whats up? Hmmmm.......
Saw the plastic surgeon last Monday. I had some fluid buildup and he removed 35 cc's of some bloody looking stuff with a syringe. He told me I was "over doing it" and to take it easier. Aside from that everything looked real good. I see him again tomorrow, he wants to make sure there is no more fluid.
Aside from that I'm just celebrating my first paycheck from the new job! Got the whole weekend off and am taking it easy like the doc wants. (still woke up at 5:00am today tho)

Hey Mo! Good to hear you are fine and feeling good! I am fine too at least I hope I am. I went to the doc on Wed, just to have my girlie once a year exam and cause my blood pressure was still up a little, they did an EKG and it showed something they didn't like. Such as "at one point in your life, you might have had a minor heart attack and didn't know it." or it could be that carrying around all the excess weight I did for years weakened my heart muscle. So just to be sure and all that, I am having a stress echo a week from this monday. I was feeling great till I went to the doctor! But I guess knowing what if anything is wrong, is the right thing to do.
Did my support group breakfast yesterday. Thanks to you all for your input, I passed it on to our newbies. We had two new ladies join us, one only 6 weeks out and another who is 5 years out and still a size 4 with a "oops" newborn! Lots in our group are doing plastic surgery now, so I love hearing their stories and seeing the results. However it makes me want it all the more!
So, that's it for me, who's next????
Hey Mo ~ Thanks for calling everyone out from hiding. I read every day (or at least read if there's anything new) but rarely post.
We're ready for Spring up here in AK (last week it was -20F in the mornings but this week it's been above zero).
I'm headed to the doctor tomorrow for my annual female exam. Think I might ask about a consult for plastics....
We'll be moving to Idaho soon....anyone know of a good bariatric doc or plastic surgeon.
Hope everyone else is doing well.

spent the day in the E.R. and would not leave until they told me what was going on with me. I am so tired of being sent home sick as when I got there. I got very mean and ugly with them. They said I was having panic right after another. Like 24/7 attacks...........And ask me did I have any stress...........freaking please.........
wish that doctor could live my day just one day. He put me on 3 exanex (can't spell it) a day. The blue ones. Well today is monday. I couldn't tell you anything I did over the weekend. They knocked my skinny @ss out. My kids told me things I was doing and saying. Don't remember it at all.Thank god my son was driving me around......Don't know how I can do this and work. I want remember what to do. And my b/p is still to very low...........53/48 this morning. pulse rate was 60.......what the hell..........I am just bumbed this morning. Gotta have more and more coffee to make me feel better.............Love yall and hope all is weight is still hanging between 95-100....................100 if I don't poop........god bless us all.
Finished the inside of the house stuff last week and the projects were completed on time and really liven the place up.
I'm now takling the yard and exterior. Painted a short picket fence on the side today. Last week, my son and I fell our 40' apple tree. I should fini**** this week: firewood! Our daughter's 70x10 memorial garden had really grown over last summer: yucca, juniper and coreopsis are cut way back and lillies are thinned. Tomorrow , I'll mulch if the weather mantains. Three more larger projects remain: painiting the rear of the house, fixing deck lattice work the dog enjoyed, rebuilding a retraining wall, and re- privacy fencing sides of the yard. About one more month's work, then it's off to school for insurance and mortgages.
I still feel this 57 year old bod, but my stamina allows me to triple what I was doing pre wls!
I'm pleased that everyones plastics are healing positively.
Where's Malabu?