For you girls here....
Ok, it's not that kind of a girl only question.......
I was reading Mo's "I spy" post and she said where did I put those red heels..... or something to that effect, and it made me think of the other day I was shoe shopping with a girl friend and she told me that I needed to buy some heels. I think her words were "some sexy shoes". Now at 350+ pounds for years you know all I ever wore were flats. (Clogs , lots of slip ons.) So I tried some on and I do like them, but I find I have to learn how to walk in them! I about broke my neck the first time I wore them. So my question is this , am I the only one who is a new duckling learning to be a grown up when it comes to heels or is this normal for someone who has never worn heels at all? Any body else out there trying new sexy shoes for the first time??
Oh yeah! Shoes are my new fettish! LOL I still can't walk in a really high heel, but I've enjoyed wearing heels every Sunday after the first 75 pounds came off! LOL I just love feeling "grown up" and sexy!
I'm the music director, so I am in front of everyone every Sunday... especially my backside... and someone actually told me that I had the best legs in the church!
I love being a lady again!
Keep working at it... it's so worth it!

OMG...this is MY topic!
I WUUUB shoes! I am in fact....a shoe hoo-a!
I now wear nothin.....NOTHING less than a 4 inch heel. Like you, I couldnt do it before with out being all wobbly and KILLING me feet, but now it feels TOTALLY natural. I stand for HOURS at a time at work without any problems. The only time Im NOT in heels is when Im in my running shoes and if they could find a way to make those with a heel...I would buy them as well HA! Im totally serious...I would!
Im so girly now it's not even funny! I love it though.