Just Checkin in....
Not too many posts going on lately. Unfortunately, im one of those who dont post much, but i do read every day. Just figured id drop in since im here at work bored out of my mind, and sick with a cold. Ugh. It sucks!
I think ive gotten this cold from being so stressed out. Im going crazy with wedding crap. Only 6 1/2 more weeks until i get married.
My weight loss has completely halted now for months and months. Granted, Im somewhat OK with where I am. I have lost a total of 135 pounds, but i defenitely need to lose another 50, but with all my craziness going on, i havent had the time or the energy to really work on it. You'd think with the stress it would come off!
Anyhow, just wondering how everyone else is doing......fill us in (especially all of you guys who havent posted in a long time!)

Hi there Tif!!! Wedding Bells are going to chime for you before you know it.. .. I think it would be really great to have all of our 'old timer' july babies stand up and be counted, I miss then all too. Tell us your wedding plans.. I have friends whoo live in Toms River New Jersey. I was around there a few months ago visting.
As far as the weight loss Tiffany.. never forget that you have the perfect tool to keep losing. USE IT. Remember Protein First, and small portions.. You my dear will be a beautiful bride. I can't wait to see pics of your perfect day...

For me, stress just adds it on... so at least you are NOT gaining!
I'm so happy for the upcoming wedding. Seems like everyone is finding love these days!
As far as what's going on with me... NOTHING! LOL I work almost every day now. I started cleaning houses -- had to find something to do with my time so I don't sit around and eat! LMAO I'm so busy now that I'm gone almost all the time.
My singing group is getting ready for competition the last weekend of March. I have a barbershop quartet that is planning on competing (if we can get it all together) and my chorus is definately competing. We'll be in Chatanooga. It's SO much fun. Can't wait! But it's very stressful this last month getting prepared.
My mother seems to think I need to go back on anti depressants, I just stay so stressed out and sad about not living closer to her, but she's coming for a visit for Olivia's 3rd birthday. (March 10) I still can't believe she's gonna be 3. It breaks my heart how fast they grow up! My 13 year old is already practicing driving... we let him back out of the driveway. He thinks he's so cool! LOL I keep trying to tell him to stop trying to grow up so fast becasue time just flies by after you reach 20 something. *sigh* They never listen!
My 7 year old has been very sick. He has a lung disease, similar to severe asthma, but related more to his extreme prematurity and long term ventilator use. This time of year is very hard on him and he catches EVERYTHING. He's turned blue on us twice in the past 2 weeks. It gets rather scary at times. He's on a regimin of about 10 oral meds and then nebulizer treatments 7 times a day. Poor thing just wears himself out trying to breath. He comes home from school and usually just falls asleep. Cystic Fibrosis runs in our family. He's tested borderline twice, but they refuse to say he has it... which is JUST FINE WITH ME!!!!! Anyway, just keep him in your prayers (and my sanity). Once the summer hits he'll do much better. He's missed so much school he'll have to repeat the first grade, but I really think he needs it anyway. He hasn't grasped the reading concept very well yet. Still reading at an early kindergarten level. But math....now that's a different story. He's always excelled at math. I guess he's just got a brain for it. It's so very frustrating for me though because he's the one who tries so very hard. He has no idea he's so far behind. My 13 year old on the other hand could care less, and always has. And he's too smart for his own good. His IQ is in the genious level, which is probably his problem! LOL
Scott is still working the same job. No more new bites, but I just know that when the time is right, the perfect job will come along. I'm just sitting here patiently waiting.
Anyway.... that's all that's up wtih us.
I keep gaining and losing the same 5 pounds. I"m happy where I'm at. Could use some tucking and lifiting.. but that will just have to wait.
Love you guys and miss you all!
I guess Sue's the next for the "lift off"
Good luck girl! Let me know if you need me!

Tiffany 6.5 weeks will come and go before you know it then you will be an ole married woman. Many congrats.
Kimberly, you need to slow down before you burn out, sorry to hear about your son. Can't remember if the older or younger one is Nicholas or Brandon, CRS syndrome has me bad these days.
I know how it is to be away from your mom, I lived away from mine and missed her terribly. Glad to hear she is coming for Olivia's b'day.
Glad you posted. 6.5 weeks and counting! Wow- down to the wire. I can't believe you are not gaining-- I am like Kimmie-- I tend to eat when I am stressed- still--
I jus****ch myself and make sure I don't go over +5. Then I freak out and get back on track.
Life is busy for me too. I resigned from my current job on Friday. My last day is on March 16. I am going to the tundra- I mean Minnesota to visit Peter for a few days and then I start my new job on the 26th of March. The wedding planning is going OK-- I am trying not to sweat the details.
Take care.