TT & insurance
I thought some of you might be interested in this.
I got my explanation of insurance benefit payments statement from Blue Cross/Blue Shield Michigan today for my surgery.
Total Charges before any coverage $26,670.90
BCBSM paid $6,380.28
Participating provider savings $20,270.62
My Balance $20.00
Needless to say I'm grinnin wider than my TT scar!

Holy Moly! So the hospital and doctor only got 6400.00 together? thats awesome. But seems wrong that they will settle for that amount if you have insurance and want 26,000.00+ if you don't. You would think that the doctors would take the insurance discount amount from those who don't have insurance but I know that's not how it works. I can't wait!!
Well, I'm not sure how all doctors and hospitals work; but my WLS doctor worked with the hospital to get a "discount" for people paying "cash". The hospital bills for my WLS totaled over $53K (I had insurance) and the "deal" the doctor worked for cash patients was somewhere around $25K.