Ok I am back with better news... Allthough my accident and the loss of mother was tragic. Having a new body - I have been hot stuff....!!!
Not to brag ( okay I will )... I am having the time of my life. Never could I have dreamed to be swamped when I go out. It is a bit overwhelming ( being humble here)
I have dated a few whatevers: some fun - some potentials had to be fired from dating me because of attitudes and actions.
I finally had to go out and by the book
"he is just not that into to you".
Wondering if anyone else has read this book??? It is a hoot. I feel like a high school
girl- dating- analyzing- discussin with my gal friends the men I meet and what I think
of them.
HAving a good time- but really trying to find a man who has it somewhat together here in NY... I feel like each date is a new episode of Sex in the city!!
It is a hoot out here- or I am too old for this stuff- but I am determined there is some-one out there !

Staring at the single life myself...I have a question for you.
Are you comfortable showing your body and all of it's new "character", for lack of a better word, to these potentials? Im not implying that you are out shackin up with whoever......but when you find a good one and you get to THAT bridge.....are you comfortable crossing it? Ever had a bad reaction? Just wondering.