COMMENTS ON THIS on the main board? Didja watch Oprah today? The whole world DID!

on 2/8/07 11:51 am - Worthington, KY
Just sayin - I told you about this LAST month. This IS important to our evolution as human beings - not the movie - the idea. Kimmy - you got this and you know what I mean and you are following thorugh and guess what, kid? I KNOW you will achieve what you want.,messageboard/action,replies/board_id,4856/cat_id, 4456/topic_id,3214323/ If you wanna see the movie, I put a free link onthe same as well. Loveya, julybabies, nan
on 2/11/07 9:55 pm - Madison, MS
Nan, I'm SO rolling my eyes! I just read the entire conversation from the main board. First of all, let me say that I am a Christian. I read everything from a Christian viewpoint. Even the Davinci Code, etc... I can't help it, it's the way I was raised! I am now a Minister of Music, and have even considered going to Seminary to become a Methodist Minister. So, with all of that said.... GRRRRRRR on the close minded! I was just telling some people at my church about this book, which I haven't even finished, but understand the "basic" principal of The Secret. My opening statement to them was that basically it was the Christian way of thinking with some scientific evidence to back it up. Has this way of thinking been around forever? Of course! When you hear it it's like "Duh, I could have had a V8"! Is this the way God created us? You bet! Is this the way Jesus thought? You bet! Look at all of His trials and all the negative thought surrounding Him. Did he give up? NOPE Did He get discouraged? NOPE He kept his eye on the goal, and always performed, as He still does! Anyway... I digress a little, BUT the basic point of my argument here is... If you are a Christian, then you truly desire to walk a more Christian life, to follow His Word, and abide by His law. SO... if this is what you want, then you try, try again, all the time thinking that positive thought that will get you there. You CAN'T be a Christian and not think this way. Because we can get SO discouraged along the way, but we always keep our eye on the ultimate prize.... Heaven and life everlasting. Eternal Grace. Eternal Peace, etc etc etc. So, we keep our head high, keep doing and thinking the positive, sharing it with everyone we know, and understand that our reward will be in Heaven. Simply making a concious effort to keep the positive thinking will only enhance our Christianity. DUH! Ok---- I know I wrote alot to make a simple point, but geesh! People can be really blind sometimes. LOL I'll also add that if by reading this book, a person will come to the knowledge of a "higher power" then GOODY.... that's a good thing. And let me add that it is possible to have earthly desires and to turn possesions into your God. The easiest example... Money. If you spend all of your time worrying about making all the money in the world, then you are failing. That is not God's desire for you. You can be happy and poor. Everything has to be placed into perspective. Time and time again I hear it preached in the church.. give 10 percent to Him and you will be rewarded 10 fold. I hear people testifying on the fact that they struggled, and finally gave in to God, gave 10 percent, no matter how hard it was, and suddenly their financial life was straitened out. Everything was put in place. This is because they were doing something POSITIVE with their effort, and therefore were rewarded. Rewarded by who? Well, if you are a Christian then you believe that God is giving you his praise. But it is by the POSITIVE thinking and FAITH that you are doing the right thing and what you really wanted to do. Therefore, it all works. Basic prinicpals of Faith here. DUH ok...sorry -- this was added after I reread what I wrote. I'm blinding posting the submit button now before I write an entire sermon. LOVE YA SMOOCHES! HUGS K
on 2/11/07 10:20 pm - Worthington, KY
You are SO RIGHT on everything you just said here. I thought it was funny too that people said that - I mean, the "I'm a Christian... so I don't believe in this kinda" thing. It was kind of silly. The movie is ALL about spirituality and faith and belief and everything Christianity has already said as well as a whole bunch of other religions. Oh well! Hey how's your world going? I'm gonna send you that book today. I hope you are contemplating starting your new site!! Loveya, Nan
on 2/11/07 10:21 pm - Madison, MS
OK OK.. I know I said I wasn't going to write a sermon, but let me just give you some Scripture to back up what I'm saying... Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. ***In other words... Keep the faith.. ie.. positive thinking. Joshua 10:25 Joshua said to them, "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the Lord will do to all the enemies you are going to fight." ***I could do a sermon on this scripture because the context around it is violent, but bear in mind this is Old Testiment. Dealing with the battle of Jericho. But, taken into context for today, they were facing impossible odds, yet they believed God would see them through to do His task at hand, and He did.*** I Chronicles 28:20 David also said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished." Vs 21 goes on to talk about how others skilled in whatever is needed will be there to support and help complete the task. ** no comment necessary ** There are so many more... talking about not faultering, or getting discouraged. So you see, God knows our heart. God knows that a little poo poo thinking goes a loooonnngg way! So he reminds us all throughout scripture to keep the faith and KNOW IN OUR HEARTS that we will succeed, as long as our path is a rightous one. I'll shut up now. HUGS K
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